Stage 4 is the
Polishing Stage where we aim to bring out the
shine of the rocks and make them absolutely amazing to look at. This is obtained using a Polishing Powder such as
Pumice Powder, Zinc Oxide, or Cerium Oxide. Here at Tyneside Gemstones we offer for sale
Pumice Powder as it brings a nice polish but is also one of the cheapest Polishing Powders that can be purchased to keep costs down for our Customers it is also the best for Hobby Tumblers. Cerium Oxide is the best to use for the best shine but is also the most expensive, please contact us if you do require Cerium Oxide.
Stage 4 has to be the most important stage to make sure that the Tumbler is cleaned and the rocks, as Grit from previous stages can ruin the finish and the tumble. After everything has been cleaned, add the stones to the Tumbler, and make sure to fill up with new
Plastic Media as the plastic media will be a cushion for the stones during the polish and stop them from damaging each other and ruining the finish. Make sure that the rocks and
plastic media fill to 2/3 or 3/4 full then add 1 - 2 Tablespoons of Polishing Powder per Lb of Rock, probably the higher amount for polishing. Fill with water again until just under the top rocks.
Once we put these on to Tumble we typically allow 7 days to polish on this stage to get the best results. We can however keep a check on the rocks during the process to see how they are coming along. After the 7 days we need to clean the rocks through a colander again and seperate all of the
Plastic Media to be used again on another polish stage, be sure to label them correctly. Still do not put the liquid down a drain, keep stored in a bucket as per previous stages.
Once this stage is complete or you are happy with how the rocks have turned out, there is an optional stage which is the Burnishing Stage.